Kean on Exchange

Friday, November 10, 2006

Salzburg --> Prague

What a trip this was. Probably the most intense trip just from all the things we saw and all the travelling we did in such a short time. The one thing we didn't manage to do was sleep. But that seems to be the growing trend throughout these trips.

So we flew into Salzburg, Austria from Belgium. We had directions to the hostel we reserved from the train station, so we planned on taking the bus to the train station of coarse. Haha, turned out there was a bomb in the train station! Didn't really see that one coming. There was a WW2 bomb that they found in the train station and they had to deactivate it. Pretty weird, but we still managed to get to the hostel.

The plan for that night was to go to this club were heard about inside a cave. Strangely enough it was called Cave Club. This place was really cool. It was an old WW2 bunker. The bar and drinks were inside a jail cell and they had really cool WW2 stuff all over the club. We also met some crazy Austians that night and a couple DJ's. It was good times and they bought us drinks because we're Canadian, can't complain.

The next day the train station was in use again and we were off to Prague. Nine hours later we finally arrived and we met up with our UVic friend April, and her Norwegian friend. We started the night with some cheap Italian cuisine. One great thing about Czech Republic is everything is cheap. Purchasing power goes through the roof, it's nice. After that we went to a large club called the Roxy. Unfortunately this place was full of British dudes on stags. Not to appealing so we left and went to a cocktail bar. It was nothing special but we had some good laughs.

The next day was the tourist day for us. We checked out the infamous Charles bridge which has to be the nicest bridge of scene. It is littered with beautiful sculptures throughout the whole bridge and it has a great view of the city. We also checked the amazing castle at the top of the hill. We were able to climb to the top of the castle and check out the amazing view of Prague. There are so many churches and cathedrals in Prague. I'd have to say they are the most extravagent cathedrals I've seen as well. Amazing sculptures, beautiful paintings and incredible architecture. After we pretty much saw everything in Prague we decided to eat some traditional Czech food. And man did we ever. We found this great place by the train station. We ate beef goulash, roast duck, pork neck and leg and two giant pints each. I felt like I just had thanksgiving dinner after that feast.

Later that night we decided to check the famous 4 story club right by the Charles bridge. If you ever go to Prague definately go to Karlovy Lazne. It's the biggest club in central Europe. They have different music for each floor. There's a trance floor, house floor, hip hop and R&B floor and a rock floor. Really cool place but we went there on the wrong night. Hate to say it but not too many people go out on a Sunday night. Ya I know, crazy Czech's! Anyway, I was still able to drink the best beer I've had in Czech Republic. It's called Krosovice and it's definately one of my top favourites. We also checked out a bar called the Cross Club. What a weird place that is! It's full of car parts like engines, carberators, doors and chairs all over the place. If that's not weird enough they were all rotating too. Definately a deviation from the norm. Check out the photo's I don't think you can find to many bars like this.

The next day we were off to go back to Salzburg. But before that we wanted to check out the liquor store for absinth. Pretty much half the liquor store was full of it. But the real stuff was really expensive. There was one with Van Gogh on the label. I'm sure he'd be happy about that one. But there was another with a 4" beetle inside of it! I have a picture of it but people would have to drink the absinth and eat this lil critter. I really don't think I could do that. But all the power to ya if that's what your into. We then set off for Salzburg to catch our plane. We had sometime to sight see a bit in Salzburg and then we headed back to Belgium and then Maatricht. Another great trip in the books with many more on the sched. I really don't want this exchange to come to an end...



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