Kean on Exchange

Friday, October 13, 2006


I'm a little overdue on this post seeing as my school has finally caught up to me and kicked me in the balls. I'm through a lot of the homework storm and I'm not looking too bad right now.

My roomate, three American girls and I all rented a car from Maastricht to drive over to Munich. It was the last weekend of the infamous Oktoberfest. This is the biggest weekend of Oktoberfest and let me tell ya, it was easy to tell.

It took us 8hrs to drive there and we finally got to the Oktoberfest grounds in the early afternoon of Friday. It wasn't super busy on Friday but it was super hard to get a table. We managed to get one at the Augustine tent on the second floor. I really wonder why they call them tents. They are more like stadiums. They are giant! There had to be around 5,000 people in this one tent. I have a picture of it in my picture site...

The atmosphere was great people are singing, dancing, chanting and cheering on the tables. There was a traditional German band in the middle of the tent who would play a German song every half an hour. People would cheersing with everyone around them. Everyone was having a great time and it was really easy to meet random people at Oktoberfest.

Beer wasn't the only thing served in the tents. They would also serve chicken, hotdogs (bratwurst), beef and pies. They were giant too! Germans are not shy about their portions. Big beer and big food seems to be the slogan over there.

Further into the night Alex (my roomate) and I managed to leave the group and wander around Oktoberfest. We checked out all the different tents before all the tents closed. Each one has their own specific style and atmosphere. By the time all the tents close all the hills around Oktoberfest are a war field of sick and passed out drunk people. In fact, there was this one guy literally eating grass to....relieve himself of his alcohol... You know your at Oktoberfest when...

We met up with the rest of the UVic crew that night at the hotel. We tried to get to Okotberfest early so we could get a table. And man, it was way more crowded on Saturday. Pure pandemonium! We went super early and we could only manage a table outside. That was totally fine though, the weather was great all day. The whole day involved plenty of beer, bratwurst and babes. What else does a guy need?

There were a lot of Italians there pissing off the Germans about there latest football victory. I don't know if you heard about it. Huge groups of them singing 'We are the Champions' in Italian. It was hilarious to see.

As the night came, it got more and more busy. We kept on losing eachother in the crowds and had to get lucky to find eachother again. We actually lost Alex for the rest of the night. Once we finally gathered most of teh group we started heading back. But before we left, we saw this tussle ensue. Couple guys bumped eachother in the super busy walkway. Another guy tried to break it up but the one bigger guy just walked up to the other guy and cranked him on the chin. The other guy got knocked out right away a smacked his head on the pavement. He was completely unconscious with blood coming out of his mouth. He could have easily got brain damage. The bigger guy split right away. Pretty scary, but a reality at a festival like this...

By the time Sunday came around we decided to do a little sight seeing in the historical district of Munich. It was very nice and we got some decent pics as well. We would've stayed longer but we had to hit the road for a long trip. Overall, a great trip and definately worth the money. I will go back there at one point of my life. Mark my words!



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