Kean on Exchange

Friday, October 13, 2006


Two days after we got back from Oktoberfest it was time to start heading over to Barcelona. Tough life I know, but 60 euros (including everything) for a return flight, come on! Anwyays, after sleeping in the airport, plane ride and bus we made it.

We were stayed at the Kabul hostel in Place Real. This is without a doubt the best hostel I've stayed at. For 19 euro a night you get a big free breakfast and a free dinner. They have a bar in the main floor which makes it really easy to meet people. And it gets pretty full later in the night. Great atmosphere and an overall fun place. Definately recommended if you go to Barcelona.

We went to the beach a bunch of times. Great place to get some extra sleep after those long 6AM nights. It was beach weather pretty much the whole time we stayed there and the 'sights' were great. Need I say more...

On the Thursday night I went on a pub crawl with this guy I met from Toronto at the hostel. That was a great time. We had an hour to drink all the beer and sangria we wanted. They brought us to 4 more bars after that with a free drink at each. Each bar was really cool but the third bar was...quite...'Girls Gone Wild' esque. That was definately unexpected. We were with these Irish we met at the pub crawl most the night. They were at the beginning of a trip around the world. It sounded really cool. Definately dwarfs my Euro travels, haha. Overall, the pub crawl was awesome. Got to check a bunch of the bars in Barcelona and meet a whole bunch of people on it.

On Friday we checked out the Sagrada Familia and the Goudi Park. Both of those were amazing with incredible views of Barcelona. You can check out the incredible sights on my pic site. One thing you definately won't get from the pictures were the light feelings in your feet and the butterflies in your stomach from being 170m up in a structure made out of stone. I don't care how unafraid you say you are of heights. You'll feel it at the top, we all did. Some pretty amazing architecture none the less.

That night we went out to the most popular club in Barcelona, Rasmitus. This place was giant! There had to be something like 7,000 people in that place. And the line was something like 150m long. Just crazy in there! Miss Kitty, a very popular DJ in Barcelona was playing that night. It wasn't my style of electronica but it was still fun. There were three floors and five individual clubs on the top floor. Surprise surprise, we managed to lose eachother because it was so crazy crowded in there. It was really cool to see a place like that, but it was a little too intense at times. People were strung on E all over the place and you couldn't stay with someone you knew longer than five minutes. But you can't go to a place like Barcelona and not go to the biggest party in town.

On Saturday we managed to check out the rest of the town, other than Las Ramblas. We even dropped by the famous cathedral. Barcelona is a great place to wander around in. There are so many little cool things to see. I could go on forever about them, but I'd rather not... :)

Saturday night was our last night in Barcelona. I was determined to take advantage. I had dinner at this nice restaurant in Place Real with my cousin and his family who live in Barcelona. Man I love Spanish food! After I met up with some people from the hostel and we headed to the bars. This Castillan guy led us to a discotech in Place Olympica. It was like a Japanese style discotech. A pretty cool place with a multitude 'talent'. Needless to say, I had a great time.

By 4AM I had to head back grab my stuff and head for the bus which leaves for the airport. When I got back there was a huge kafuffle with some people that I travelled with and the Kabul staff. Four of us and I managed to catch a taxi and catch the bus on time so we could make our flight. Couldn't say the same for my inebriated friends. Oh well, they made it back safe and sound which is important.

That was the cap to another great trip to one of the most liveliest city's in Europe. If you go to Europe, Barcelona has to be at the top of your list, no questions asked...



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