Kean on Exchange

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Santa Marta, Colombia

Oh man, what a crazy bus ride that was! Within the first hour two people were puking in the bus from the windy roads and the fact that the driver was driving like a maniac. Not only this but for some reason they decided to lock the bathroom door. So you would have to walk to the front of the bus and ask the bus driver to open the door for you. Well, if your gonna puke it's kind of hard to ask the bus driver to open the door for kind of have to puke NOW! So the first guy was trying to wrench the door open but obviously couldn't open it. So my friend grabbed the bus driver to open it and he was there for awhile. 20 minutes later a woman didn't even attempt to make to the washroom. She just went on the floor and moved seats. Those were all great sights to think about when trying to fall asleep.

So 15hrs of that later we finally made it to Santa Marta. The humidity hit us like a brick wall. We were hot and wet on the spot. We grabbed some breakfast and then made our way to our Couchsurfing host's place. He lived in a nice condominium right by the beach so we took advantage of the beach right away. After a good beach sesh we grabbed some lunch then headed to a little fishing town called Tagonga. This is where most travelers stay because it's a nice quaint fishing town that is great for scuba diving. I was short of funds so I wasn't able to go scuba diving. It is very peaceful buuuuut not exciting enough for me. We then headed back to downtown Santa Marta and meet up with some friends and grab some fresh fish for dinner. We then headed back and called it a night so we could head over to Tayrona bright and early.

The next day we took an hour bus to the entrance of Tayrona Park. After getting razzed by the guards we finally got in. Tayrona Park is a very beautiful national park. It is probably Colombia's most famous park situated on the Northern coast of Colombia. It is covered in Jungle and has some of the nicest beaches I've seen in my life. Jungle is very tropical and I saw tons of wildlife I've never seen before. There are lots of lizards, birds and crabs. There are several camps right off the beaches where you can eat and sleep the night in a hammock. They transport everything by donkey. So pretty much when you're walking you have to contest with these donkeys on the trail. After about a 45 minute walk were arrived at the first beach and we decided to jump in the water while we waited for our friends.We waited for a good half hour and still didn't see them so we decided to move on. There were three beaches in this section of Tayrona Park. They are all very nice but that last one was amazing! That was the most popular amongst the travelers, suprise, suprise. You'll have to wait for the photos to this my description to do real justice. One weird thing about this beach was there were shiny gold sparkles in the water. It was really weird but cool at the same time.

After chilling at that beach for awhile we decided to head back to the first beach because the hammocks were cheaper there. And wouldn't ya know it, we ran into our friends. They decided to take a wrong turn and walk on an aimless quest for about 5hrs. Man, were they glad they made that wrong turn, haha. I think they got a little too much sun. Once we got back it was dark so we grabbed some dinner, had some drinks and watched the Boca Juniors lose the Argentinian championship. Time to have my first full nights sleep in a hammock.

I think they setup my hammock for shorter Colombians I could not get comfortable. But I did manage to get some shut eye. We all grabbed some breakfast and the trekked back to the entrance to grab a bus and grab our bags. Next stop, Cartegena for the weekend!


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