Kean on Exchange

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Buenos Aires, Part 2

That Monday we met up with Cole's local friend and checked out the park in Palermo. It's a huge park with nice scenery in the nicest part of town. But this wasn't your run-of-the-mill Argentinian park, it actually had a bunch people playing hockey! In Argentina? You bet, they were pretty decent too. They all had Canadian equipment which was pretty funny. Anyways, watch out Team Canada!

The next day we decided to finally check out the infamous Lujan Zoo. The reason we traveled over an hour and a half wasn't just to see a bunch exotic animals. We actually got to get into the cages with the animals. That's what I'm talking about! We started with the monkeys. The workers got us to sit on some hay facing away from the monkeys. The workers then grabbed some leaves for the monkeys to eat. Once the monkeys got a little curious they came down, jumped on our heads and shoulders and grabbed their food. These little guys were super curious grabbing our hair, picking at our ears and one almost stole our Austrian friends' waterbottle while we were distracted. After was the tigers which are a liiitle bit more dangerous the monkeys. Peter petted the Tiger while it was lying down. Once our Austrian friend came up to the tiger it got up and started rubbing it head against Peter's leg. Awwwww! It's like a big cat. We also got to get in the cage with the King of the Jungle. This lion was huge. It was laying on the picnic table which looked small in comparison to the lion. If that lion had any wrong impulses and we would have been lunch. We also got in the cages with llamas, female lions, some birds and rode an elephant and camel. Overall, it was definitely worth the trip!

Wednesday was pretty chill with a little sightseeing. I spent most of the time preparing for the interview the next day which got re-scheduled for the next Monday. Uhh! On Thursday I showed Craig and Peter La Boca and then decided to get lost for a bit instead of catching the bus. That night, the plan was to party till 3am and then get the football tickets for the Argentina vs Venezuala game. We managed to get the tickets but I conveniently passed out in my bed before 3am. Oh my! How embarassing! Thanks Pete and Craig. I owe you one.

On Friday we checked out the shopping district and got some sick Argentinian Tshirts and some presents. We went back to Crobar that night and had an awesome night. We even remembered eveything. Bonus!

Finally Saturday came and we got to see Maradona's first game coaching. It was a huge deal in the media because the man Argentina considers God is now heading the team. Ofcourse we didn't take people's advice and show up early. We showed up late and could not find the correct gate. So, we ran from the subway to the staduim and then we ran around the stadium twice because non of the workers know how to read our ticket. By the time we got in there we were well prepared if Maradona wanted to send us in. Argentina had all their superstars that game and they really put it to the Venezualans. They smashed them 4-0. After we met up with my lovely Argentinian friend Luli. We all had some delicious pizza and shared some hilarious stories. And wouldn't you know it she covered the bill. Argentinians are just too nice...

That night we hit up Pascha again and we were not going to let the locals get off easy with their standardized dance. Haha, ya we did!

After another party till 8am night, Sunday was a recovery day. We met up with Luli again in her neighbourhood. She showed us the beach/field area by the "widest river in the world" otherwise known as the ocean. For some reason Argentinians haven't realized this. Anyways, this is where a lot of people chill out during the weekend. We all grabbed some slushies and talked about life and what our true purpose is.

On Monday Craig and Pete left. I met up with my other lovely Argentinian friend Sofi. She took me to her house introduced me to her friends and fed me. What else could I ask for.....mmmmm maybe some cake. Bam! There was some cake. And good cake too! I heard it's the best in Argentina. After catching up and listening to some interesting remix Argentinian music (What was it called again?), I was off to buy some bus tickets.

Matt arrived that night because we had bus tickets for 5am. So, we planned to party then catch the bus. This was quite the eventful night. So I go to Milhouse where the party was and I see someone who looks really familiar. It's Robin from Commerce at UVic. Ya, pretty random. She was in South America for a couple weeks and happened to be staying at the same hostel. So we're having a great time and the next thing I know it, it's 430am! I bust it back to the other hostel and grab my bags. Matt has to grab his bags from the other hostel after being busy in the washroom for a bit. He's taking forever and it's getting very close to 5am. So I assumed he got his own taxi and took off. Conveniently, the taxi decides to do the old loop da loop when I'm crunched for time. Then I realize I have no cash on me. So he drops me off at a bank machine and I pull out some money. So he quickly drives to the bus. It turns out all three 100 peso bills were fake! The cabby doesn't take any of them and I ask him why the hell he brought me to the hocus pocus bank. The bus has already left so I jump out of the cab grab my bags and run after the bus. The bus stops at a red light and I pound on the window to open the door. Thank God he opened the door. Matt is astonished I actually caught the bus. He barely got on too because I had both tickets. So somehow we managed to catch this elusive bus for Mendoza. Annnnnd I had a beer in my pocket! That helped me forget about the three fake bills for about 5 minutes...


  • At 2:58 PM, Blogger astern said…

    Keane buddy - I read a bunch of your posts. Unreal man! When do you get back into town? How did the interview go? Drop me a message...

    Annd I had a beer in my pocket! hahaha


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